Edge City Presents

Edge City Lanna

Oct 10th – Nov 10th 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand

A monthlong popup village to incubate a flourishing future.
Join us October 10th - November 10th in beautiful Chiang Mai to live in a healthy community focused on incubating novel technologies and ways of living.

Edge City is an IRL experimentation lab for new ideas, tech, culture, and organizations, all dedicated to accelerating human flourishing.


Each theme will have planned talks & self-organized sessions throughout the month

Human organization

Evolution of education & parenting • New towns & cities • Collective intelligence • Governance • Culture

Artificial intelligence

Compute & geopolitics • AI & identity • Alignment • Decentralized AI • Practical applications • Art

Real-world crypto

Practical, real-life applications • Zero-Knowledge tech • Protocol research • Scalability

Health, longevity, & bio

Neurotech • Nutritional science & tech • Biohacking • Practical & philosophical aspects of well-being

Hard tech

Geoengineering • Nanotech • Space exploration • Materials science • Transportation • Renewable energy

More info

Welcome to Chiang Mai!

A city where ancient history meets cutting-edge innovation. Nestled in the mountains of Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai offers 700-year-old temples, bustling markets, and a vibrant modern culture.

Start your day meditating in serene temples and end it discussing the latest advancements in AI and BioTech. Join us in this dynamic setting to live, learn, and experiment with frontier projects, and be part of a community dedicated to accelerating human flourishing.

What does Lanna mean?

When we asked our local Thai collaborators what we should call our event, they suggested "Lanna." The name refers to the ancient kingdom that once flourished in this region, known for its rich cultural heritage and history.

"Lanna" means "a million rice fields," symbolizing abundance, prosperity, and the interconnectedness of community life.

What is Edge City Lanna?

Edge City Lanna is a monthlong "popup village" for people working at the frontiers of tech, science, and society.

We aim for this to be the healthiest and most productive time of your year — a place to go deep in your work and learn from fellow experts in other fields while incubating novel technology and ways of living.

It is being organized by Edge City. You can learn more about us here.

Who is Edge City Lanna for?

The village will be filled with high-agency people who are building towards a better future: founders, scientists, urban planners, researchers, engineers, philosophers, storytellers, and beyond. We look for thoughtful people who are brilliant, curious, and kind.

Families with kids are welcome! We endeavor to make all of our events as family friendly as possible.

How do I participate?

For now, please subscribe for updates above. You'll hear from us soon!

Do I need to come for the whole month?

It's not required, though we encourage you to stay as long as you can.

Those who come for the whole time will have the most immersive experience, because a large part of what we are testing is different ways of living and working together.

What will the programming be like? 

Our programming philosophy has two main design principles: 

  • We focus on emergence instead of centrally planning everything. We will create the minimum necessary structure for this to be an excellent event, and then we'll encourage the attendees to participate, engage, and build awesome things on top of the structure we provide.
  • The fact that the event is a month long means that you'll have plenty of opportunity to go deep on various topics of your choice, and to meaningfully connect with other attendees.

If you can't make it for the whole time and you aren't sure when to come, the short answer is: come when you can! You'll be certain to have an engaging time.